We’re very EXCITED to be giving away an ENTIRE HARDBACK SET of the 365 series including 365 Ways to Be More Stoic, 365 Ways to Have a Good Day, 365 Ways to Save the Planet, 365 Ways to Live Mindfully, and 365 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness!
There are 365 ways to be more Stoic in Tim LeBon’s current bestselling book…but could there be a 366th way?!
Tweet us @365StoicWays one other way to be more Stoic for a chance to win the ENTIRE HARDBACK SET of the 365 series including 365 Ways to Be More Stoic, 365 Ways to Have a Good Day, 365 Ways to Save the Planet, 365 Ways to Live Mindfully, and 365 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness.

Submission example: “@365StoicWays Teaching my children that responding to anger with anger does them more harm than good, and that they should practice empathy-considering the source-and suspend judgement before they take things personally.”
Please tweet only one answer that is within the character limit. Multiple tweets will not be accepted. Please note that by submitting your answer, you authorize use of your quote to be published-with author credit-to other social media platforms.
The last day for this contest is Friday, January 6th!
The 365 Ways to Be More Stoic hardback is now available in the UK and will release in the US April 4th, 2023! If you’re in the US, this is your chance to score the hardback, along with the ENTIRE 365 SERIES, before its stateside release! Kindle version available everywhere.
365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC is a full year's worth of daily inspiration, tools, stories, actions, and rituals that will guide you to a meaningful life, filled with happiness. It is a simple, list-driven, practical guide that will allow you to immediately begin putting Stoic wisdom into practice in your daily life.
I'm afraid that I abandoned Twitter when they allowed Trump back. Do you have an alternative way for entries?